Before you begin to think twice about reading this, just think if you had just found out your loved one had an incurable illness or disease you had never heard of. Then you are told that this illness might affect your whole family. Finally you are told it might effect you. The best part is if you already have children well they are in this boat too. Reading these sentences might of only taken you a few seconds if not a minute or two, but for people suffering with or have a loved one with Huntington's Disease this is only the beginning. The beginning of seconds. minutes, hours, days, months and so on that you live in a daze of what life used to be and what the future might not be. This is why I have set up this blog, I want anyone who finds out their loved ones have this disease to KNOW ABOUT IT. I want people to start to see Huntington's Disease in the same sentence as Dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson Disease. Fundamentally I want more support, support for those who don't have a choice or can't make a choice. These choices will become apparent within this blog from my own personal story that I want to share to raise awareness of the small print that comes with this illness. If you've read to this point I want to say thank you. If all this paragraph has done today is made you aware of something called Huntington's then I've got my fuel, if it makes you Google search it then a fire has started because unfortunately Huntington's Disease can burn through families too. So here's to the beginning of learning, educating and supporting everyone who knows, doesn't understand or even knows this disease exists.
You, Me and HD. The beginning...
Updated: Jan 6, 2020